I'm Erin Leigh. It's nice to meet you.
I'm a small part of a big story; a story that's been written in the past and will continue to unfold in the future. I'm a follower of Jesus, a life-lover, and a question asker. I'm an encourager, a dance party supporter, and a hug-enthusiast. I'm a twenty-something, reading, running, bubble-blowing, laughing, crafting, organizing, blogging, tea-drinking mess of a person. I'm a Young Life leader and a soon-to-be special education teacher. I've got a heart for high schoolers, children under the age of five, and people with disabilities. I can't think of two words I love more than becoming and story.
Above all of that, I am a sinner saved by grace. Daily I'm learning what it means to live in the arms of Jesus, rescued and free, treasured and known. I'm learning that my worth is found in Him alone. I'm discovering and learning to live in and celebrate the gifts He's given, seeking to glorify Him in all that I do.
about ramblings of a ragamuffin.
Ramblings of a Ragamuffin is a place where I spew my thoughts and try to make sense of the world as it's unfolding around me. I am constantly asking, wondering, thinking, processing, and writing through my thoughts, trying to make sense of God's goodness and grace and how He could possibly love me through the messes and mistakes.
In his book, The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning reminds us that Jesus didn't come for the people who have their lives figured out. He didn't come for the strong, but the weak. Jesus came, in all of His gracious glory, to rescue the beat-up and burnt-out. He came for the ragamuffins. And isn't that what we all are? A little burnt-out, a little beat-up? We can't do this life alone. I am, at my core, a ragamuffin. I am deeply in need of God's grace and mercy. Every single day.
I blog about what's happening in my life and in my head and in my heart and the ways God is working in those things. On any given day, you could find something about teaching, running, faith, community, questions, friendships, purpose, and life being one big gift that's worth celebrating. It's all a part of the story. Welcome to the chaos.